Cody Klippenstein

Cody Klippenstein

is a writer, editor, and teacher. Her short fiction has appeared in Zoetreope: All-Story, Epoch,The Fiddlehead, and elsewhere. Born in Toronto and raised in Vancouver and on the Connecticut coast, she currently lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where she teaches creative writing and is at work on a novel. She holds an M.F.A. from Cornell University.

Select short fiction

Minor Aberrations in Geologic Time - Anthologized in After Realism: 24 Stories for the 21st Century. Originally published in Little Fiction. Read it online here.

Animal” - Epoch.

Becoming” - Room.

Case Studies in Ascension” - Zoetrope: All-Story. Winner of the Short Fiction Competition.

Thrown Overboard, Manacled in a Box” - Joyland. Read it online here.

We’ve Gotta Get out of Here” - The Fiddlehead. Winner of the Fiction Contest.